• Question: what do you think is the worst drug

    Asked by lshepherd12 to Dilwar, Lou, Rachel, Simon, Susan on 11 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Langley-Evans

      Simon Langley-Evans answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Drugs come in many different forms and I am guessing that you are talking about the ones that people take in order to get high, rather than the ones that a doctor might prescribe.

      Drugs that are illegal have been made illegal for a reason, and that is to keep people safe. Any drug like cocaine, heroine, crack, etc has the possibility of addiction and that ruins peoples lives, their health and because these drugs are illegal and sold in forms where the dose is unclear people are at risk of overdose and death.

      For me the two worst drugs are not illegal. They are tobacco and alcohol. Tobacco smoking has killed more people than both of the world wars put together! It should be banned. Alcohol is also very dangerous and carries an increased risk of cancer, obesity and other problems.

    • Photo: Dilwar Hussain

      Dilwar Hussain answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Do you mean worst as in effects? – I think it’s a drug called Krokodil. It’s a flesh eating drug and it basically kills you from the inside out. It eats throuh your flesh and bone once you’ve injected it into your body and is extremely addictive. It’s called Krokodil because it makes your skin a scaly black-green colour.
