• Question: What the longest name of a virus you have come by

    Asked by u12reeda to Rachel on 10 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Rachel Dakin

      Rachel Dakin answered on 10 Nov 2013:

      Great question : – )
      There are thousands of known viruses and probably plenty more that haven’t been discovered. My current work mainly uses different species of adenoviruses. In my lab other people also use lentiviruses and adeno-associated viruses. A lot of viruses are in families and named dependent on the animal they were found in. For example there is human adenovirus1, human adenovirus2, adenovirus3 (up to 57!) there is also canine adenovirus (a very similar virus but found in dogs).
      As far as longest name I’ve come across; saccharomyces cerevisiae virus but that really just means yeast virus using the latin word! There is the gammapapillomavirus – that’s a type of HPV (human papillomavirus). You may have heard of HPV as girls are given a vaccination against it to reduce their chances of getting cervical cancer.
      I’ll check through my note book from attending seminars and see if I have anymore good ones in there! Or let me know if you find any : – )
