• Question: What was your favourite section of Science: Chemistry, Biology or Physics

    Asked by u12reeda to Susan, Simon, Rachel, Lou, Dilwar on 7 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Langley-Evans

      Simon Langley-Evans answered on 7 Nov 2013:

      Definitely biology. I always loved finding out how the human body worked, about cells and how they are structured and what their functions are. I enjoyed anything about health and disease but was not keen on plants. Physics was really hard and if I didn’t enjoy astronomy I would have struggled with it. Chemistry second favourite.

    • Photo: Louise Brown

      Louise Brown answered on 7 Nov 2013:

      It’s hard to choose between Biology and Physics. I was always better at Biology and found Physics really hard but loved learning about time travel!!
      I enjoyed learning about genes the most in Biology, and about the anatomy of the human body!
      I was never very good at chemistry!

    • Photo: Susan Skelton

      Susan Skelton answered on 8 Nov 2013:

      PHYSICS, definitely! 🙂

      Although at first I found it hard, I started to love physics once I realised that physics is the most basic and fundamental science, and is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world within us, and the world beyond us.

      Physics involves the study of the entire universe from the very largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles … and everything in between. The laws of physics describe absolutely everything in the universe on the most basic level.

      Chemistry and biology are based on physics but deal with more complicated systems which would be impossible to deal with on such a fundamental level. (If you want to know about the health of a cat, it doesn’t make sense (and would be impossible) to calculate the position of every single atom in the cat! )

      Personally, I always liked to really understand how and why things happen, and I think learning physics helps you do that. At school, I found that biology and chemistry classes involved much more memorising of facts, which I didn’t enjoy so much.

      I find it quite interesting that the sciences are so separated at school, because in science research the lines between the different sciences become quite blurred and many of the most interesting research questions lie in the gaps. In the research group where I work, most of us do some physics, chemistry and biology every day! And we have scientists who trained in physics, chemistry and biology all working together.

    • Photo: Rachel Dakin

      Rachel Dakin answered on 10 Nov 2013:

      I’m in the biology club. I loved (and still love) finding out about living things. The way we work and how all the little bits play a different role. I enjoyed some of chemistry too particularly parts about reactions that are happening in the body.
      I didn’t really like physics, I don’t think I understood it that well (and I still don’t!). I do occasionally use equations to do with electricity though 🙂
