• Question: What would you tell a class full of students that will inspire them to make the most of their science lessons?

    Asked by u12hillc to Dilwar, Lou, Rachel, Simon, Susan on 12 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Langley-Evans

      Simon Langley-Evans answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      I would find that quite a scary thing to do! When you don’t know a class very well it can be hard to know what they would find interesting or inspiring.

      The person who inspired me in science was a teacher in year 7/8 who taught science by letting us get hands on and do lots of practical experiments. That was a lot of fun and I enjoyed seeing how things worked for myself. I would try and do the same, but would try to catch the attention of the class by being ENTHUSIASTIC and PASSIONATE about science. I love science and I love sharing my knowledge and experience with younger people. That’s why I am doing I’m a Scientist this year. A life in science has given me the chance to see the world, meet some famous people, learn new things every day, talk to people and share what I have learned and I think I would try and explain some of those things.

    • Photo: Rachel Dakin

      Rachel Dakin answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      Inspiring teachers are the best and ones we remember for a long time.
      I am definintely more interested in things when I can see them rather than just read or hear about them so I think practical experiments help inspire. I still remember seeing the screaming jelly baby experiment in year 9 chemistry….turns out chemical reactions can be fun and seen and heard!

      I don’t have anything specific you could tell a class but when it comes to biology, students can be inspired to be selfish – what better to learn about than ourselves! I also think people forget how important science is in everyday life. From understanding what the doctor is saying to how our phones are working and what we’re looking at up in the sky.

      There are STEM ambassadors all over the country who would love to get in to a class and tell people about their work – talking to them certainly inspires me.

    • Photo: Susan Skelton

      Susan Skelton answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      I would show the class some of the amazing things that inspire me every day!

      I would show them movies of the amazing things I can see when I look down our really powerful microscopes – things you would never know where there!

      I would also show them movies of us moving some of these tiny things, like cells and bacteria, without touching them at all – only using light! (like the movie in my profile!) This inspires me every day when I see it happening in the lab!
