• Question: Which renewable resource would be the best choice now?

    Asked by crayolapower to Dilwar, Lou, Rachel, Simon, Susan on 19 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Simon Langley-Evans

      Simon Langley-Evans answered on 19 Nov 2013:

      Hi Crayolapower- I enjoyed chatting with you yesterday.

      Energy and power are not my area of expertise, so I will give you my personal opinion which isn’t based on any research or specialist knowledge. For me the most useful renewable must be solar energy, even in a country like the UK. All new houses should be built with solar panels to meet basic energy needs and people should be give more help to have panels fitted to existing properties.

    • Photo: Susan Skelton

      Susan Skelton answered on 21 Nov 2013:

      Hey crayolapower!
      I think the best choice is to use a combination of different renewable resources, depending on what works best in a particular place.
      For example, in Britain we get a lot of wind, but we don’t have very many wind turbines compared to places like Denmark. I would like to see a lot more windturbines in Britain.
      In other countries nearer the equator, especially in places like the Sahara desert, solar power is probably more efficient. There is so much energy coming from the sun and most of it is just wasted.
      And on some small islands, they are surrounded by the power of the waves, so these places might be best placed to make use of tidal or wave power.
      I think that all the renewable resources hold so much promise – I wish we would make more use of them!
